PERSonalized nutrition
My mission is to put“joy” back into eating! Life is most rewarding when balanced, and that includes food intake. I use science-driven tools and data and comprehensive wellness assessments to uncover my clients "nutritional blueprint". There is not a “one size fits all" approach -- I learn as much as possible about you, your lifestyle, and goals to streamline and simplify strategies and guidelines that are tailored to your needs.
No more guesswork, fruitless internet searching, random dieting, and blindly supplementing required! You will gain a genuine understanding and confidence to realize and maintain your goals, without struggling, striving, and being overwhelmed. Balanced , "healthy-ish" living is excitingly achievable and maintainable! Together we uncover the best you and focus on the strategies that authentically compliment your goals and daily life.
Micronutrient and wellness testing
Patented nutritional and wellness testing, driven by state of the art technology, that offers a comprehensive insight into how your body utilizes vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids, antioxidants, carbohydrates, and other biochemical messengers, at the CELLULAR LEVEL. Thus, gauging the availability of nutrients, plus the cell’s ability to absorb, metabolize, store and incorporate those nutrients. This differs from traditional serum testing that is often limited, because it measures what is circulating in the blood only. This is a core component of a truly personalized approach to optimizing nutrition and wellness by possibly uncovering clues into root causes of, and/or association between nutrition and mental well-being (anxiety and depression), chronic pain, gastrointestinal health, inflammation, immunity, metabolism, fatigue, energy levels, sleep disruptions, plus early detection and potential preventative measures of chronic diseases. Additionally, maximizing your nutritional dollar with food and supplementation choices that are backed by your personalized profile promotes a favorable return on investment!